The purpose of private school census was to map non-SED schools in the Punjab Province regarding access (including; school location, basic profile of schools, and students’ enrollment) and quality (including; school infrastructure, human resource, curriculum, and teaching learning process. A unique school reference code was allocated to each school during mapping of the schools, GPS coordinates of the school and a picture of its main entrance bearing its name for the purpose of identification, were also included in the data. The survey included: a) Mapping of human resources available to the schools including number of teachers and their qualification; and b) Number, grade and subject-wise students in the school
A robust IT-based system was developed for the conduct of the PSC. The system was vetted by the Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB). The system not only provided real time data of PSC but also helped in managing and live monitoring of the process. The access to system was given to all individuals engaged in the conduct of PSC, according to their role in PSC. Dashboard was also developed for PMIU to monitor real-time results by aggregating and extracting values from all the data collected under the PSC. The system also ensured the capturing of GPS coordinate readings and picture of each school visited.