Government of the Punjab approved Pak Canada Debt Swap Project (PCDSP) under the MoU signed between CIDA (now DFATD) and the Government of Pakistan in April 2006.The major thrust of PCDSP project was to improve the quality of Elementary Education in Pakistan. The Project’s major objectives are to strengthen Teachers Training Institutions, award of pre-service scholarships to attract the potential deserving students to teaching profession and imparting in-service training to the teaching and administrative staff of primary and middle schools, as part of the continuous professional development framework. The strategies to achieve the project objectives were the training of GCETs faculty and staff in teaching methodologies, training of educational managers in basic pedagogical skills and content, administrative, managerial financial and planning procedures and in the implementation of new national or provincial initiatives by all the related stakeholders.
The Impact Assessment aimed at assessing the effectiveness of trainings, establishment of computer labs, e-libraries and provision of library books, furniture and other equipment and to give a reliable feedback to the donors, policy makers, teacher trainers, planners and implementers, in order to improve the quality of Elementary level Teachers. Data was collected from 143 schools of 14 districts, 11 GCETs, and their attached lab schools. The team of four persons comprising of senior experts also collected data from educational managers. Total respondents were 19202
The data collection process included; a) document review, b) interviews with head teachers, and b) focus group discussions with the educational managers and training managers. This includes: a) document review at the offices of EDO (Edu), Dy DEOs and AEOs and questionnaire for EDO (Edu), DEOs, Dy DEOs and AEOs by the Survey Supervisor. The data was also collected at the district levels through achievement test in 4 subjects for classes 1 through 8, along with teacher questionnaire and classroom observation.