About Us

Who are We?
FAME’s team has decades’ experience evaluating and designing large, technically complex projects and managing the delivery of all the services involved. We specialize in providing solutions in Education and related disciplines in Monitoring and Evaluation, Research, Capacity Building, Institutional Development, Management Audit, Strategic Management Process, Policy & Planning etc.
Still we are also there at the school and classroom level: training, coaching and mentoring teams and individual educators in the very best teaching and learning practices.
We enable our clients to understand and prioritize their needs and to respond with the best solutions to meet their particular circumstances. We do not bring a template. Our approach is: What does the client want? What can we offer?
Team that delivers!
We then allocate the best team to make it work. We are proud of the teams we put together and of the results they achieve. FAME believes passionately in the importance of retaining a significant proportion of experienced, high quality, technical and managerial staff within the company.
We then pull in other consultants – drawing where possible on national expertise. We set great store by developing the talents of those who already have relevant practical experience as well as higher academic qualifications.
The experience of our staff and consultants is at the heart of our reputation for competence. Their own continuing professional development in line with the best research evidence is the foundation for our ability to innovate and to adapt successful ideas to new circumstances. They are education enthusiasts. What motivates them is making a difference – the record shows they do.
What do We do?
We help our clients in two broad areas: strategic thinking and project/program delivery.
- Monitoring & evaluation
- Strategic planning
- Project & program design & evaluation
- Professional development & training
- Research & development
- Study visits